PIT STOP FM High Speed is the highest performing PIT STOP to date, with a maximum production speed up to 14,000 sheets per hour.
PIT STOP FM High Speed is the highest performing PIT STOP to date, with a maximum production speed up to 14,000 sheets per hour.
Size min/max cm 8×10 / cm 50×70 (with optional extention feeder cm 50×100)
Sheet weight 80 to 600 g.s.m.
Programs 200 programs with 100 creasings or perforating
Min. distance creasing mm 0,1
Production A4 with 1 crease 14,000 sheets per hour
Power supply 400 Volts three phase + neutro 50 Hz
Power requiremen 3,5 Kw
Net weight 263 Kg
Size 170x90x121 cm
Optionals punching kit; digital creasing kit;
perforating kit 2/1 – 3/1 – 4/1 – micro perf.