HOHNER POSTPRESS saddle stitchers

HOHNER POSTPRESS saddle stitchers

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As a provider of innovative systems, we supply not only the hardware but also our own proprietary brainware/software development in order to ensure that our machines are perfectly integrated into the automation solutions of our customers and partners. In november 2022 in Tuttlingen ,Germany the new modules for digital  finishing were presented too.  Pile feeding and roll  feeding solutuins. Horizontal and vertical  collecting stations. Stitching is performed with pressure according to the thickness of paper!!! Just see with your eyes the quality and make your own conclusions! 

Puzzle pieces

  1. 1Stitching Unit & Trimmer
  2. 2Saddlestitcher
  3. 3Digital Finishing Mode
  4. 4Fold-Stitcher
  5. 5Crossfolding
  6. 6Collating Tower

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